Throughout the process, the fragility and unpredictability of the technique was embraced by leaning into any rips, tears and folds that occurred from the transfer or the person’s natural movement. This ensured that each emulsion lift remained unique and allowed the final digital images to also encapsulate the experience of the transfer itself.
Lifting Connections is a celebration of collaboration; of words with visuals, humans with the natural world, and collaboration within the arts. No part of this project would be possible without collaboration.
Hazy light beaming through clouds that blush as the sun disappears for the night; not a goodbye, simply a ‘see you tomorrow’. Contrasting with the deep blue sky behind them, they illuminate, exuding an orange glow on to all that lives below. This fusion holds warmth, light, and a mellow buzz of sensuality.
In the crepuscular hour, as day becomes night and the earth falls silent, the pine trees shake. Cries of badger and fox echo through the leaves and the weary sun cowers further below the horizon. While the low light clutches at uncertainty, the thigh stays strong. Steadily placed on the ground, the leg anchors the body and mind.
New life bursts through the soil, pushing up firm through the intertwined blades of grass and brambles. A breath of fresh air after too much time festering in the cold, damp earth. The singular mushroom dances while a gentle breeze swallows its gills whole. Much like a waist-side birthmark, the little brown’s elegance is unexpected.
Bright from darkness. Thick and heavy streaks of light stretch out their arms from behind branches and leaves. Unwavering, still, radiant. Trunk firmly rooted into the ground and limbs towering high, the old oak takes a deep breath as the sun wraps itself in and around the knots and gnarls that the tree’s bark holds. Arm interlinks with arm as the light falls to the earth below.
Features soft and statue curves. The human form proves difficult to be compared. With such beauty and complexity comes delicacy and power. Skin maintains memory: each fold, arch, wrinkle, and bump powered by years of pumping blood and movement. Ever evolving and ever present. Skin to skin to skin to skin to skin…
Wrapping around the tips of each blade, the grooves of each spore form fingerprints. New growth uncurls in the winter sun, stretching up to escape the frost biting at its outreached palms. Collectively strong and deep-rooted, fists full of crumpled leaves and fading light.
A boy at heart, dangling from trees as blood rushes full force to cheeks. Nature plays along, indulging the wilder tendencies. The leaves harmonise with the wind, emanating chimes that call to the lost soul. Whistles twist down the spine and find security along the backbone.
Savage ferocity pounds the steady rock, relentlessly forcing the water to wash over and over, a repetitive game, toying with stability. Wind wrapping wildly through hair and bone. The drop below grows deeper and more inviting. Cliffs full of movement challenge the waves beneath. Placed on feet, ability takes control and actions become tangible.
Ripples build up to heaving colossal impacts, each wave unpredictable and exhilarating. Water boils like blood in veins. Adrenaline and uncertainty high. Deep shades blend to vibrant highlights as the waters grasp at gradients of changing moods. The swell follows the flow of the hips, recoiling back on itself and finding peace in its own embrace.
Below are the original images used in Lifting Connections before they were lifted onto each individual.