Selected Poems 

hand-bound collection of poems released soon! please contact me for a copy


moss touches fingers
interlocks with prints
spider retreats
robin flutters closer

but dangerously empty

trip on the roots
only for myself

ignore the girl in the stream
you’ll leave her soon


I think about you often
when the seven sisters appear in the eve
and the moon smiles

you bob your head in time
in time

deep breath
my eyelids rest and feel at home
seeing you again


places unknown and feelings so thick I could grasp them between my thumb and forefinger

pluck it out of the air and name it
give it weight
let it own itself

then, when we are found
buried among the wilds and the worms
earth crawling from our lips
we will hold our smiles strong

cover my embers
sprinkle the ash

within my blood she
pushes and heaves

light up the water on the horizon
breathless, panting, yearning

settle me down and let me rest

Lankidden Cove

In the cracks of the rocks
the space between the waves
four girls dance, run, and draw in the sand
ground untouched and sun soaking in

the earth is listening

footprint trails and spines on show
drink fresh water,
following it back up the cliffs

the cove holds the day


blinding myself to look at you
its worth it i’m sure
to see that green obscene
lingering in the corners
so blank you can’t even see

and there she is

and I am awaken

 Sunset Stage

how can I
put all this on to a page
to watch the blades dance in the light
the imst weaving slowly through mendip hills
arm wrapped under arm
swaddled in sweet sweet sweet sweet sweet sweet
sweet birdsong
fondant fields
air deep, filling lungs
I want you near
but i’m not quite sure who you are yet
perhaps the talk of a lived life is from fully removing yourself from it all

hand-bound collection of poems released soon! please contact me for a copy

A Level of Rain